Tuesday 25 September 2012

Drina Dances in Madeira by Jean Estoril (Children's, 9 years +, 10/10)

This edition 1990, Simon & Schuster
176 pages, Paperback
Personal copy

Themes: dealing with change, leaving the familiar, tough times when loved ones are ill, dealing with worry, beung brave, life on a cruise ship, visiting foreign countries, dancing with a different company, not trusting instincts, two troublesome events, making lots of new friends, an uncertain future, some laughter, very minor romance, lots of tears both happy & sad

Book blurb
Drina is bitterly disappointed when she hears that her long-awaited holiday to Germany is cancelled. But her grandmother offers her some wonderful alternatives: a Mediterannean cruise, or a visit to Scandinavia, or a trip to Madeira... When Drina remembers that the Lingeraux Ballet Company are also going to Madeira for the summer, she has no trouble making up her mind!

Nayuleska's thoughts
It is by this time in Drina's life that my recollection is extremely hazy. Drina deals maturely with the disappointments and conflicting emotions that life chucks at her. Now she is older she, like her best (if currently slightly distant) friend Jenny, are more observant & perceptive of people's feelings. Drina is polite enough not to pry until it gets a bit overwhelming and then she has had enough. 

Her grandmother softens due to the hardship they both endure, and it's obvious how proud she is of Drina. I had to laugh how it was her Grandfather who figured out the truth about Grant. Because they know how hard Drina finds the changes they are more lenient in what Drina can do on her own without them. Seeing all three of them grow is exciting in this 10/10 read thst made me cry a bit.

Suggested reading
Be sure to read the previous books which include Drina Dances in Paris


  1. Great review, as always. This is one of my favourites, I think - I really like Jenny's character development by this point in the series.

  2. Thanks. Jenny is a good friend to have - she makes mistakes, as does Drina, but in the end they are there for each other.


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