Friday, 29 June 2012

Nayu's News #28

 "Ah, go away, leave me to stretch my limbs as I sleep..."

What do you get up to when you relax? 

I'm currently on self-enforced rest after a long day out yesterday for a hospital appointment in London. I got a nice load of chocolate, which sweetened the news that the heart check I've been avoiding for years can be avoided no more. The clinic like patients with my condition - mitochondrial cytopathy - to have their heart checked every now and then. If you google it, you'll probably find a lot of young children with multiple organ issues/failure. There are so many different ways the body can be affected, and fortunately all organs are currently working. Friend & family might debate that point when I talk about my brain, but for now we're cool.I'm refusing to think on it for now - can't do anything until I have it. I may get to read a bit more soon (yay!) as I've had a supplement that helps give me mental energy increased a little. 

This is Yoshino from the anime Maria Watches Over Us. I love this anime (minus the few bits with adult connotations) because Yoshino has to take things easy as she has a heart condition. It's great to have someone to relate to in anime.

 While I would love reading to be my resting activities, at the moment it can't be. So I'm either watching anime (no subs/no dubs), anime with subs as the Japanese used is totally different to the conversational type I'm used to, or French anime (we are not debating what is anime in this post, ok?) which I don't need to work so hard at. 
 (Two characters from the anime Bamboo Blade watching anime together - the one of the right is Tomo, the other I can't remember her name off the top of my head) 

Occasionally I watch English films. Recently I've been watching the Twilight Trilogy (waiting until Breaking Dawn part 2 is out before buying #1). It is my fluffy watch when I need to relax and watch something that I don't need to think about. 

So getting back to the first picture, cats put their legs in the air when they relax (truly - my cat does this. And no that isn't my cat). I watch anime (because languages are fun!). What do you do to relax? 

Hopefully book reviews will start making an appearance from Sunday. I've been reading, just a little tied up right now. *glares at body to recover faster* 

This is Holo, the wolf goddess from the anime Spice and Wolf. I finished season one today - she is perfect as my Twitter avatar. Here she's in a mood, I think because she can't have apples. She makes me laugh a lot. 

Oh, I'm not sure what everyone was looking up yesterday, but my blog hit 1000 hits in a day!!!!
(left to right) Musa, Bloom and Stella from Winx (season 3 onwards) celebrating

It means a lot that so many of you come and visit my blog, read my reviews and other posts. I hope you enjoy reading the posts as much as I enjoy writing them!

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