Sunday 8 April 2012

Nayu's News #3

 (I thought this was cute, plus I'd love some ice cream now but I don't have any!)

Today's post includes the following: 
  • Another battle with germ gremlins
  • Catching up with lovely books 
  • Frustrations with a certain MP3/4 player brand
  • Spontaneous shopping to soothe tension from said MP3/4 player. 

I thought I'd start putting a summary of this blog post at the start, so if you're in a rush and don't want to listen to my rant you don't have to. 

First of all, those germ gremlins. I was a bit tired this week, but that's normal. What isn't normal is waking up at 9am, when I haven't slept that badly (as in I got to bed before 11.30pm) feeling completely bleh. I was fuzzy headed, and just felt rotten. I was pretty glad I was on holiday, so I wouldn't need sick leave from work. I couldn't settle down to a film - I kept flicking various ones on Netflix. I think I read for a bit in the afternoon. By 5.30pm I was feeling terrible so went up to bed. Needing medication at set times and small meals at set times meant I couldn't go to sleep for the night. I set my alarm for an hour and read a book quitely. I felt a bit better lying down than sitting up, so that was a plus. When I got my snack, I started feeling worse (very nauseaus) so I headed straight back to bed. This time I didn't set my alarm, and I managed to doze off until gone 8.30pm. I actually felt a little better, so got another snack, and got ready for bed properly. I was quite awake so read for a while. I then slept through....

...until Saturday morning. I felt so much better, but I had to take it easy as I was due to see a friend for lunch today. So I had a fun morning which included reading a few books. In the afternoon I planned to watch 6 episodes of Winx as that's all that left of season 3. 

 (from anime Bamboo Blade, it's Tomo-chan and her rival watching their favourite anime)

However, family watched a documentary on smuggling, which is in a few of my wips so naturally I watched that. I then did some more reading! I'm strange and when I'm near the end of a series I like to watch several episodes all together, especially when the final battle is staged over 2 or more episodes. 

Today I was feeling fine, so I did the usual Tweeting and reading. Picked up my friend and headed to a yummy Chinese buffet lunch. We got our usual table (we go once a month, been going since we met at uni so it's nice to have time set aside to catch up with friends). We had a lot to catch up on, and are both hoping for a less dramatic month in April compared to March's antics. 

 (everyone minus Athena having a meal together in the anime Aria the Natural) 

I'm about to explain my iTunes issue. I had downloaded the Winx album straight to my iTouch. I wanted to burn a CD of it. It wasn't on iTunes on my computer, so I synched it. 

(If I had Bloom from Winx Club's dragon power (fire), I'd be flinging it at several pieces of technology )

Despite me ticking the box saying I wanted to choose what to synch, the blasted machine did its own thing. It ignored me. I didn't have a clue what it was doing - but I never do. Every single time I've used iTunes to synch stuff it doesn't listen to me. It had synched (apparently), so I checked the Winx albums. 1 wasn't there at all (I did only want 1 song so I will actually redownload that), and the second album was only half there. Cue Nayu not being a happy bunny. 

I don't listen to music often. I've heard one of the latest updates can muck things up, which is why I keep clicking 'later' on the update button. I avoiid synching because every time I do, something happens. But today was pretty much the last straw. There is only half an album on my iTouch, and half on my laptop. Sadly they are the same halves. I refuse to spend ages trying to fix it, as I need that for resting up - stress is far from restful! 

(CD which I now only have half of) 

So I've done the sensible thing which I should have done in the first place. I've ordered the Winx CD in French (which is what I prefer anyone - iTunes only had English version). That way I can download it to my iTouch, and know that it won't get erased. I can use the CD in my car which is something I've wanted for ages. 

I also bought this...

(Barbie Fairytopia 3 film boxset French version)

It's research! I'm writing a fairy more fairy stuff I watch the better! I never had Barbie when I was little, and I'm glad I didn't. However, Barbie is like Twilight. I'd never seen any Barbie films. I was a little intrigued when I saw it suggested on Amazon as something I might like. So I googled it, watched a few videos and fell in love with the pink and girliness of it. I don't like the English versions - the voice actors drive me potty. The French version is just perfect, in my view. It helps improve my French, which I like doing especially when I'm not up for reading. I think that's why I love anime so much. I might not always understand the Japanese, but I feel like I'm doing something

 (Winx in their Enchantix transformation clothes. Sparkly!)

Tonight I'm definitely going to try and finish Winx, just as soon as i've posted this and checked something over for a friend of mine. Hope those who are off are enjoying the long holiday weekend, and those who are working aren't too busy and find something that makes you smile. 

(Holo from the anime Spice and Wolf, which I'm getting in June!)

Edited 9th April 2012 - I have since managed to get the tracks back on my iPod, but I still not keen on iTunes. 

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