Saturday 24 March 2012

Swift by R J Anderson (Children's, 9 years +)

 (as ever, such an awesome cover!)
March 2012, Orchard
368 pages, Paperback
Review copy

Themes: magic, monsters, fairies, shape changers, bardship, betrayal, kidnapping, flight, escape, family ties, blood ties, humans, breaking free, a little fighting, lots of tissues needed

Summary from Orchard
Ivy sensed the stone hurtling towards her and rolled - too late. Heat scored across her back in a blaze of dazzling pain. The ground spiralled to meet her, and she knew it would only be seconds before she hit...

Ivy is a determined young faery, living in an abandoned tin mine with her clan. In a cruel twist of fate she was born without wings, and she longs to fly like the others. When she meets an enigmatic stranger, he seems to offer an answer. But there is more to him than meets the eye - and more secrets in Ivy's world than she ever realised...

Nayuleska's thoughts

I love the world created in Knife's story and was eager to see what Ivy's world was like. It has the feel of the Knife books, yet has it's own character, with piskies hiding dark secrets, a sweet, innocent human girl and the piskie who Makes Things Happen, Ivy. I'm eager for more books about Ivy's 10/10 story.

You can find out more about R J Anderson on her website.

Suggested readDo read the Knife series, which helps explain some of the background to Swift (although it can be read on its own).

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