Monday 27 February 2012

What are you reading? #104

What are you reading on Monday? is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Home Girl's Book Blog where you post books completed last week and plans for upcoming books. Jump over to her blog and see who else is participating.

Books I've read this week

Pets in Need by Marc Abraham
Children's, 8 years +
(Follow Mark's entertaining [and sometimes sad] life as a night time emergency vet...)

Dragonskin Slippers by Jessica Day George
Children's, 8 years +
(This is so awesome I want to jump up and down whenever I think of it!  Communicating with dragons, having a conniving bratty princess after you is something Creel manages to take in stride with humour....)

Little Princesses: The Fairytale Princess by Katie Chase
Children's, 7 years +
(The dragon, knight & princess combination isn't what it sounds like, as Rosie finds out....)

Little Princesses: The Cloud Princess by Katie Chase
Children's, 7 years +
(Antics from Cupid keep Rosie occupied, as do the Harpies...)

Little Princesses: The Dream-Catcher Princess by Katie Chase
Children's, 7 years +
(This series of Rosie who lives in her aunt's castle and can have adventures with various princesses painted/woven on objects is amazing! In this book there's a princess who I wouldn't have thought of as being a princess.)

Books I'm rereading

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer
Those of you on Twitter may have noticed that I'm going to watch the films. Friends have said I wouldn't enjoy them, and I do believe them; but I figure I'll watch them once, as I'm enjoying the story on the second read through. If I do like it, I can always skip the parts I don't like, or focus on my knitting until they are over. (I scare & blush easily.) I confess to not really liking the actor playing Edward - not how I imagined him at all. I'm only watching the films because I really like the look of Bella, who I've been informed by a reliable source that most people actually aren't fond of. I often think the opposite of popular opinion for anime, so this isn't entirely surprising. I'm pretty sure I'll be laughing through a lot of it (and not feeling guilty for that).

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