Saturday 7 May 2011

Slight change in review styles

From now on most reviews will be in a slightly different lay out.

What stays the same: details of release date, who the publisher is, number of pages, word count, whether the book is a personal copy, review book, or library book, some key words on the content, summary from the publisher, author website (if available), grade out of 10 and suggested reading.

What's changing: The section of my thoughts and final conclusion. These will change to 5 questions/statements, which I will write a maximum of 2 sentences to.

Why change the formula?  I'm not doing this entirely out of choice. Well, I am, but I'm not. (Go me for not making sense). I love writing reviews. However due to health needs I need to manage my time a little better and get more rest in. Even though I've cut down when I post reviews, I still write a lot. 500 isn't heaps, but somehow it takes a long time (20-30mins for each review). Even my one liners are getting to be one long paragraph. This week I'm streamlining all areas of life. There's no way I'm quitting review. Cutting off my daily fix of words would lead to severe book withdrawal symptoms. This is a compromise, and a great lesson in being concise (since I can fail miserably at keeping things short).

Any exceptions? Depending on how I feel, books I've specifically agreed to review (rather than unrequested ones, which are very welcome) I may use the old style of reviews.

Conclusion: it's the little changes which can often make a big difference. I've no idea how long I'll do this for. If we find something that makes me feel better, I may write a few longer posts when I have the energy. But I can't put a time limit on that.

Keep watching this space for the first review using the new style, Ministry of Pandemonium by Chris Westwood which is being posted in a few minutes!


  1. What a great idea & one that allows you to still do what you love but more efficiently with less time :D

  2. Thanks Emma! I'm determined not to give up the things I enjoy unless I absolutely have to. I can now do a review in 10 mins instead of 30!


If you like the look of books reviewed, have read them, or have anything else to say, please leave a comment! Any comments with links in them that aren't for book/anime/film blogs will be removed.