Monday 4 April 2011

One Liners: An Avid Reader and Father Time Compromise #4

"One Liners: An Avid Reader and Father Time Compromise" the place where my love of books meets a busy schedule and in lieu of passing up the chance to share the book with you, I'll share the book(s) read in brief; enough to pique your curiosity without over indulging. Sound good? Here goes....

I Spy Something Wonderful by David Conway
Release Date:  February 2011
Publisher:  Red Fox Picture Books
20 pages, paperback

Children's Picture Book


Summary from Red Fox Picture Books:

Mummy Deer, Daddy Deer and Baby Deer are playing ‘I spy’. There are lots of wonderful things to spot . . . a cloud as soft as a whisper, a sleepy sunset, a bright shimmering star. But there is something more wonderful than all these things. Can Baby Deer guess what it is?


Nayuleska's Thoughts:
This colourful, sweet picture books is all about love of a mother and father for their child. (Equally it can apply to anyone who loves a child, regardless of parent association). They all have fun together, picking out different things they like in the world using the well known game of I Spy. My favourite thing about the book are the rabbit and frog. Once they make their appearance, they are then in nearly all the scenes, reacting to what the little deer does.You can see them on the bottom left and right of the front cover, and they are even peering at the barcode on the back. A few of the pages fold out to reveal more of the scene.

I give this 10/10.


Frank and Teddy Make Friends by Louise Yates
Release Date:  February 2011
Publisher:  Jonathan Cape
32 pages, Hardback

Picture Book


Summary from Jonathan Cape:   

Meet Professor Frank Mouse. He's very clever, very inventive and very ... lonely. Though he loves collecting, making and mending all sorts of things, shy Frank would love to have a friend to help him, so one day he makes Teddy! But Frank doesn't realise that what he really needs is a true friend - someone to teach him that real friendship is all about sharing, and Teddy might be just the fellow to do it...


Nayuleska's Thoughts:
This is a fluffy bunny (not literally since Teddy is a teddy bear, not a rabbit) version of Frankenstein (I haven't read the original). Frank is a very cute eccentric mad mouse scientist whose nature is clearly shown in the illustrations. He lacks social skills, and gains a few with Teddy by his side, but only really discovers the meaning of life when he gets angry and banishes Teddy. It shows that even if friends mess someone's life up, they are still friends and will help each other out.

I give this 10 out of 10.

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