Friday 1 April 2011

Craft & language bonanza

I couldn't think of another title. I realise today isn't the normal Friday post, since I skipped a few posts this week. Life got busy, as it does.

At the weekend I made this coconut cake for work.

It was demolished within 2 hours of putting it out. The reason it looks so broken....I'd put Green & Black's white chocolate on top, and sprinkled pieces of coconut. During transit in the car as I commuted to work, the silly cake decided to reach up high to the cake tin it stuck to it. A knife soon separated the two combatants. Although the cake looked a bit worse for wear, it still tasted yummy.

This week I have made these baby booties

And I continued on with the dark blue of this tapestry hanging/cushion (it can be either) for a friend at work (she doesn't know about it).

I worked on the straight lines (I'm working the top down, going through the colours from darkest to lightest).

I finished watching Season 1 of the Winx Club.

 Due to various things going on, to keep me sane until my treatment date, I managed to accidentally buy season 2....and season 3.....and season 1 in the series (there are English versions, but since I'm watching it in French I'm opting to read it in French). The question is how many times can I watch all the series before May 26th?!

What else have I been watching....not a lot else. With a friend nudging me I'm going to be watching the Avatar series (I love Kytara or however you spell her name).

Tonight it will be....the Winx, with 1 episode of Avatar (see, I can compromise on what I watch). I'm going to try and knit another bootie, (first of a new pair), knit a little more of a hoodie I'm doing for a colleague's son, and that'll be it for today! More reading after a morning of writing tomorrow. I can promise that I'm reviewing some very cool books soon. Have a great night, whatever you're doing!


  1. Your crafting's coming on quicker than mine - I've knitted a tension square, well one and a half really as the first was too big. 28 stitches x 38 rows to 10cm square is going to take a long time to knit once I get started!
    Watching a lot of murder - Waking the Dead and Midsomer.

  2. Tension squares? And they are..... ;p?! Never do them :)


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