Saturday 9 April 2011

A catch up post

Today's review will follow in a little while, but first I thought I'd catch up with things.

This week has been hit and miss because I was battling those germ gremlins at the beginning of the week. Once they are on the scene, everything is on a go slow. I read mostly fun children's books because I wasn't up for deep and meaningful YA (that's changing very soon).

Yesterday although I didn't post my foreign language Friday meme, I was doing something language related. I visited my Japanese teacher and her new son. He's 3 months old now, and is so sweet. He didn't cry when I held him, which is always a plus. And was smiling when I made faces just before I left. It was nice to hear my teacher chatting to him in Japanese (and I  understood it all). Interestingly I'm his older sister in Japanese. That's how people who aren't family are describe as sometimes (brother/sister). It doesn't necessarily mean family, it's more a term of respect. Like with one of my friends, although they aren't family, I'm their children's aunty, because that's the culture.

Until the rest of The Winx Club dvds arrive, I'm watching season 1 for the third time. Yes, third. 3. It's pretty addictive, and I adore it. There's so much to it, and it's helping keep me occupied. As are all my sewing and knitting projects (pictures to come in a week or so). I'm still watching anime, just not as much while I'm watching The Winx.

Reading...I've read a lot this week. Mostly what I call happy fluffy bunny stories (which are cheery ones). I don't think any of them involved bunnies....definitely a gerbil or hamster...but no bunny.

Competition news: there are two new competitions coming up, both will be international with the condition that if you live outside the EU, you won't necessarily get the book by air mail - it really all depends on cost. One of the competitions will have several winners, because this month is my blogversary month! I'm still working on putting it all together, but they'll be proof copies of books I've received.

That's pretty much it now, I'm going to schedule up some reviews and read! Enjoy the sunshine if you have sunshine, if you don't google a sunny place so you can see the sun and feel a bit cheerier.

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