Tuesday 15 March 2011

Author Interview: Nicky Schmidt & competition win 1 of 2 copies of Marrying Out Of Money, ends midnight 30th March INTERNATIONAL

I've recently read and thoroughly enjoyed Nicky's book, Marrying Out of Money. I emailed Nicky about the book, and she sweetly answered a few questions for interview. Through the email communication, I can say that Nicky is very lovely, and it was fun chatting about various parts of her book (parts which aren't included in my review, otherwise it would spoil the story). Make sure you keep reading down to the competition after the review! 

1) Hi Nicky & thank you for answering a few questions for my readers. Now, I have to ask this: is this all fiction or have you met people like Harry and Lou's mothers? They are quite unbelievable! 

Horrifyingly, Nayuleska, I have, although they are less luminous, shall we say, than their fictional personas. People don't often admit what is actually going on in their heads as my characters do, so I suppose I have taken some creative licence with the people they are based on. For the record, I have never met anyone with Harry’s physical affliction!
2) You address some pretty serious issues part way through the book. Did you intend to do this (mostly relating to Fin) when you first thought up the concept, or did it happen by accident? 

It was intentional. I wanted one character to show that no matter how much money and apparent social standing you might have, fate has a way of stepping in and mucking things up. The protagonist Lou is eager to turn her back on her wealth, but does always have the comfort of knowing it is there for her. Fin, on the other hand, has little control over her medical condition, and all her connections can't buy a different prognosis.
3) Will there be a sequel to Marrying Out of Money, possibly about what life is like for Harry and Lou? Their mothers might not be in the same country, but I'm sure they could get up to more mischief! 

That would be nice - I am quite fond of Lou now - but I have my next three novels in mind so I might have to put a sequel on the backburner!
4) The chocolate spread - where did that gem of an idea spring from? I'm never going to look at it in the same way again! 

It came from a young lady quite close to me who cannot get enough of Nutella! I was hoping to put her off her excessive consumption, but it didn't work.  
5) Do you have a set number of words/pages you try to write (and/or edit) each day? Or do you just write what you can, when life allows it? 

I really try to write a set amount each day, usually 2000 words. If I didn't, I would still be writing Naked in Knightsbridge! I try not to edit until a whole book is finished, mostly because it is a waste of time if I decide to change something that’s not working.
6) Do you have a favourite drink and snack for when you're writing? 
Well, as everyone who knows me can attest to, I am partial to anything and everything sweet. I do try not to overstep the boundaries of decency when it comes to junk food, but fail miserably. I drink loads of coffee - perfect accompaniment to sweet stuff. 

Well, that’s it I see. Thanks so much Nayuleska, and thanks to all those people out there buying Naked and Marrying, I really appreciate the support!



The lovely people at Prospera Publishing are happy to give away not just one, but two copies of Marrying Out of Money!  Here's what you need to do. 

To enter: Make sure you've read my competition policy, then fill in this form
Winners: Two people will win a copy of Marrying Out of Money in it's ebook form. Winners will be picked at random using a random number generator. I'll pass the details on to Prospera, who will arrange giving out the prizes. 
Deadline: Midnight GMT 30th March, in time for release day. Winners will be announced on 31st March. 

Get entering! The question for the competition won't decide who wins, but I will post up where people would live in the world if money was no object (I'll just put up the destinations, not who chose them). I'd like to thank Nicky again for answering the questions, and to Prospera Publishing for providing the competition prizes. 

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