Tuesday 8 March 2011

Author Interview: Chrystalla Thoma & Competition

Chrystalla wrote the very cool book Dioscuri. I know her online on a writing forum, and she sweetly agreed to answering a few questions for me. And, she's offered a copy of her ebook up for grabs! Stay tuned after the interview to find out what you have to do! 

1) When did you first become interested in the Ancient World? When did you realise that you would be using it in your stories? 
Being Greek, I have been fascinated with ancient ruins and myths since I was practically a toddler. My parents always took us to archaeological sites and my father’s library on the topic is enormous. However, I only started using Greek myths for my stories about ten years ago. I kind of decided to accept my Greekness at last, lol!
 2) Can we expect to see more stories using Greek myth from you? 
Actually, I am re-writing the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur right now, and I hope more will follow.
 3) What's a typical day's writing schedule for you? Do you write a set number of words, pages or try and write for a set time? 
I wish I had a typical day and a writing schedule! Every day is different. Sometimes I arrive from work unable to think about anything more than eating dinner, answering emails and going to bed. On other days, and especially in the weekend, I write as much as I can. The number of words varies from 500 to 5000.
 4) What's the best thing about being a published writer? 
The best thing… will probably come, lol. I guess the best thing is the feeling that you’ve done it, made it to the first level. That’s great. But ask me again when I have published more stories, then maybe I will tell you something different.
 5) Do you have a favourite drink and snack for when you write? 
Coffee and hot chocolate. They keep me awake and fuel my slow brain cells!
Thank you Chrystalla - I totally approve of hot chocolate as a favourite drink! 
Right, what do you have to do to get your hands on a copy of Dioscuri? Fill in this form, answering the question which is your favourite historical era and why. 
Rules: One person will win a copy of the book. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator. The competition is international, and will close at midnight Tuesday 22nd March (GMT). Remember to check out the competition policy
To find out more about Chrystalla, be sure to check out her blog

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