Monday 3 January 2011

Wereworld: The Rise of the Wolf by Curtis Jobling REVIEW + Picture

6th January 2011, Puffin 
418 pages, Paperback
Review copy 

Children's, Paranormal, 

Were-creatures, political conflict, moderate violence, tissues needed, courage & bravery, friendships and family ties, kidnapping, murder and assassination, (There is a violence warning on the back cover) 

Summary from Puffin 

When the air is clear, sixteen year-old Drew Ferran can pick up the scent of a predator.
When the moon breaks through the clouds, a terrifying fever grips him.
And when a vicious beast invades his home, his gums begin to tear, his fingers become claws, and Drew transforms . . .
Forced to flee the family he loves, Drew seeks refuge in the most godforsaken parts of Lyssia. But when he is captured by Lord Bergan's men, Drew must prove he is not the enemy.
Can Drew battle the werecreatures determined to destroy him - and master the animal within?

Nayuleska's thoughts
A lot of the werewolf books I read are set in the modern world. It was refreshing to have Wereworld set in a fantasy world. It's a harsh world, where thugs flout the rules without punishment. It has a fantasy feel with all the different were-lords who fight among each other. I think this is a book which has a lot of relevance today. Drew hates anyone being mistreated. He takes a stand and speaks out against injustice, even when it brings punishment upon here. The cruelties he suffers are horrible and inhuman. Sometimes I felt sick, at all times I wanted to cry for what he was put through. He goes from being well loved by his family to being an outcast. He wasn't to know that there are many who wish to support him, because of his lineage. He doesn't have a clue about who he really is. He has to learn to accept his new ability and himself as he travels about, coming into contact with people, saving their lives and being kept a prisoner.

I hated the characters who treated Drew badly - they really are evil and had me holding my breath at several stages. Those who help Drew, especially in the end which is truly wonderful, I wanted to cry at their courage and how much they care for Drew. I didn't like one character, she was quite a madam but as the story progresses, slowly more is revealed and I warmed to her. I absolutely love the ambiguity of another character; that was cleverly written and provided a great twist at the end. I'm looking forward to the next book already! 

Final conclusion
In this first book Drew has to learn what he is in order to learn who his family are, and the responsibilities that come with his noble heritage. 

You can find out more about the talented Curtis on his website.

Part of the blog tour included adding to the drawing of Drew :) Curtis began it with the eyes, as seen here on Wondrous Reads. I added the top part of the face. Make sure you take part in the competition on Wondrous Reads to win this one of a kind drawing, started and signed by Curtis!


  1. lol! Love the drawing! Excellent addition!! I didn't read your review cause I'm reading the book right now, I'll read it after. I'm really enjoying the book though.

  2. I enjoyed reading your review. Glad you enjoyed the book. I just finished reading it yesterday and my review is up tomorrow. Loving the picture :)

  3. Thank you everyone! It was an awesome competition to be a part of. I'm intrigued how the final picture will turn out.

  4. Fascinating to see the drawing taking shape ! Here it is today on my blog !


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