Thursday 30 December 2010

Tamora Pierce reading challenge 2011

My 3rd reading challenge will be reading Tamora Pierce's books! (see - I figured out how to do the pictures! It's not fancy, but it has the bare essentials :) 

Edited to add I'm going to try to read one a month. I'd love more but life's changed and I've got to be realistic. 

I love Tamara's books and always borrowed them out of the library. I haven't read all of them, but in 2011 I intend to. They are fun, inspiring and very enjoyable. 

Due to the amount of books I already have for January *cough Acorna series*, I won't be reading Tamora's books until February. Here are the ones I would like to read :) 

  • The Circle of Magic (read these once a long time ago)
    • Magic in the Weaving
    • Power in the Storm
    • Fire in the forging
    • Healing in the Vine
  • The Circle Opens
    • Magic Steps
    • Street Magic
    • Cold Fire
    • Shatterglass
  • Sort of stand alone in this universe
    • The Will of the Empress
    • Melting Stones
  • The Song of the Lioness (read these countless times)
    • Alanna
    • In the Hand of the goddess
    • The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
    • Lioness Rampant
  • The Immortals (library never had book 3, so never read them)
    • Wild Magic
    • Wolf Speaker
    • Emperor Mage
    • The Realms of the Gods
  • Protector of the Small (read these many times)
    • First Test
    • Page
    • Squire
    • Lady Knight
  • Tricksters
    • Trickster’s Choice
    • Trickster’s Queen
  • Beka Cooper
    • Terrier
    • Bloodhound
    • Mastiff (not out til 2011) 

I invite you to join me in this reading challenge. You may use my picture for it if you like (or you will probably be able to create one a little more sophisticated :p ) Whether your read one book, or all of them, I hope you enjoy Tamara's work as much as I do. Check out her website


  1. I have read every Tamora Pierce book ever published. She is an amazing author, and I anxiously await Mastiff's release this year. This is an awesome challenge to have, and I hope you enjoy her writing as much as I do!

  2. My Circle of Magic titles are different ;)

    I thought Will of the Empress followed Tricksters Queen? Can you tell I haven't read it yet?

    I have Melting Stones (unread) and keep hoping to see a third series with the kids.

  3. Depending whether you are in USA or UK, I know the titles are different.

    No idea which book follows which! Due to life I haven't been able to get anywhere with my reading challenges. They may have to run into 2012...


If you like the look of books reviewed, have read them, or have anything else to say, please leave a comment! Any comments with links in them that aren't for book/anime/film blogs will be removed.