Saturday 25 December 2010

Red in the Flower Bed by Andrea Nepa

2008, Tribute Books
28 pages, E-book (my copy) 
Review copy received as part of a blog tour


A tale of belonging, uses flowers as a metaphor for adoption

Summary by Tribute Books
The journey of adoption is beautifully depicted with the comforting imagery of a poppy flower who is welcomed into a garden family. It is a charming story of "seeds" being planted in the perfect place - exactly where they belong. Children and adults will enjoy this simple yet meaningful story and homespun illustrations. The book's loving approach helps children to understand adoption. Andrea Nepa has captured the essence of adoption and family, and has illustrated it beautifully with images and poetry that even a small child can comprehend and enjoy.

Nayuleska's thoughts
I hadn't read any picture books about adoption, so I jumped at the chance to review this. The illustrations are cheerful, providing a warm feeling to the story. They are deceptively simple, and have a real sense of texture. The message behind the pictures and the story is very important. Adopted children may be chosen by their adoptive parents, but they are loved deeply and very much wanted. Whatever their background, the new family opens them with welcome arms. The adopted child may be of a different race, but that doesn't matter. Skin colour doesn't matter. Being with different flowers doesn't matter. The symbolic poppy is where it belongs - it has helped create a rainbow of colours. Inter-racial adoption adds an extra bundle of energy to a family. Who they are as a person matters infinitely more than what they look like. 

Final conclusion 
A sweet way of explaining to adopted children how special and loved they are by their new family. 

Andrea's Bio
Andrea Nepa is the mother of an adopted Vietnamese daughter named Leah. In 2001, Adoptions from the Heart assisted with the international adoption. Andrea dedicated her book to her daughter: "For my dear Leah, whose journey in her young life has already taken her to far away and unexpected places." In 2006, Leah was diagnosed with cancer. She is currently in remission. Andrea lives with Leah and her husband, David, in Haddonfield, New Jersey. She is a registered dietitian for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. 

Here's a photo of Andrea with her adopted daughter Leah, to whom she dedicated this book.


  1. Thanks Jessica for such a great review. I'm so glad that you enjoyed RED IN THE FLOWER BED. You hit on a very pertinent point - there aren't many children's picture books about interracial adoption. As an adoptive mother, Andrea created her book in order to fill that gap.

    Thank you for sharing the book with the readers of Nayu's Reading Corner and for participating in the book's blog tour. We appreciate your support.

    Best wishes,
    Tribute Books

  2. Thanks! for this great review.


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