Friday 31 December 2010

A look back on 2010

Wow. 2011 is just around the corner. 2010 has been a wonderful year for Nayu's Reading Corner. I now have a phenomenal amount of publishing contacts, who keep my TBR tower at a nice, healthy height. I've made a lot of new friends amongst publicists, authors, fellow book reviewers and blog readers.

If you had asked me on 31st December 2009 whether I would expect to have nearly 200 followers by 2011, I would have said no. Every new contact forged, every book read and reviewed, every question answered by authors (and publicists) has brought me happiness.

I would like to thank everyone who reads the blog, who writes the books, who promotes the books and anyone else I've forgotten. This blog wouldn't happen without your input, support and comments.

This post is a quick summary of all the books I've read this year. I'd intended to make it a bigger post...but I ran out of time (and motivation. I want to read!) Here's my 2010 reading stats.
  • Children's books
    • Total read:  135
  • Crime
    • Total read:  5 
  • Dark Urban Fantasy 
    • Total read: 1
  • Fantasy
    • Total read: 16 
  • Fiction (some titles don't fit anywhere else)
    • Total read: 4 
  • Graphic Novels
    • Total read: 4 
  • Historical  (This excludes all YA/Children's historical) 
    • Total read: 2 
  • Horror 
    • Total read: 4
  • Non-Fiction 
    • 29 
  • Paranormal 
    • 1 (although it should have a YA tag...which would make this 0) 
  •  Paranormal Romance
    • 3
  • Science Fiction
    • 4
  • Thriller 
    • 4
  • Young Adult
    • 90
Total Number of books read this year.....


I've actually gone past my estimate by two books! It'll probably be 4-6 books since I'm writing this on 30th December and intend to read for the rest of today and most of tomorrow. 

I'm supremely happy with this number. I've read a lot this year (duh!). However, there have been a lot of times when I haven't been able to read (stupid health). 

I would like to hope that next year I can read as many. At the moment I can't promise anything, because hopefully I'll be entering query land. That will inevitably cut into my reading time. But not too much cos I have to rest a lot :) 

However many books you've read in 2010, I really hope you've enjoyed them :) May we all have a wonderful reading time in 2011! 


  1. Just want to say thank you once again for holding my online launch party in January. It really got my year off to a great start, and was incredibly sweet and generous of you. Hope you have a wonderful 2011!

  2. Wow, those are a lot of books! Good for you =) Hope you have a great 2011!

  3. You're most welcome Keren :) I've got two launch parties lined up in January!

    Yeah, I'm hoping 2011 might be The Year I get an agent :)

    Thanks Bethy - it's always fun reading books!

  4. Sounds like an incredible reading year! Here's hoping 2011 is even better :)


If you like the look of books reviewed, have read them, or have anything else to say, please leave a comment! Any comments with links in them that aren't for book/anime/film blogs will be removed.