Friday, 19 November 2010

Winner of SUGAR RUSH by Kimber An competition

Apologies for the delay - this completely slipped my mind at the weekend!

Right, the winner of this brilliant book by Kimber An is...

#5, Judit! 

I'll pass your details to Kimber An so she can sort out getting you a copy of the e-book. Congratulations Judit!

For those of you keen to enter competitions, the next one will be to win a copy of Scott Westerfeld's LEVIATHAN! I ended up with 2 copies and would love to give it away. That competition will be coming up in a week or two, so keep an eye out for it.


  1. Thank you, Nayuleska! I've been already contacted and the copy is on my way. Can't wait :)

  2. Hi again, Judit!

    Nayu, thanks for doing this contest!


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