Monday, 1 November 2010

What are you reading? #42

What are you reading on Monday? is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Home Girl's Book Blog where you post books completed last week and plans for upcoming books. Jump over to her blog and see who else is participating.

Books I've read this week:
The focus this week is on Non-fiction, all in preparation for the week long celebration, based around Thursday 4th November's first National Non-Fiction Day here in England.

(I think sharks are pretty cool, some are cute!)

(Show me pot fragments and I'm happy!)

(Non-fiction can be stories too!)

(I grew up with these books, they make history exciting!)

(I love knights and found out heaps of cool facts about them!)

(All the lowdown on what it takes to be a princess, including sparkly tiaras!)

(There's an awful lot in this book about the world's history.)

(A great book about review....)

(A bunny with a strange sense of humour's take on the world...)

Young Adult
(Angels but as you've never seen them before. See my post on when I met her....)

Children's Fiction
(Read these prior to meeting Lee, they are serious but fun books.)

Children's Fiction
(Leading a double life is hard!)

Young Adult/Paranormal
(Competition coming up to win a copy! Vampires, but not as you know them...and a Trekkie!  My review...)

Graphic Novel
(Beautiful fantasy story ending on a cliffhanger!)

Picture Book
(A heart warming tale of friendship...)

(Merlin! Fab TV series...)

(Lots of activities to keep children occupied....)

(Another to keep the children busy....)

Graphic Novel
(Hilarious adventures of a bunny and a sheep!)

(Full of stickers to encourage the imagination.)

Picture Book
(I wish I had them under my bed!)

I have read more than this - I'm still expecting a few books for NNFD, which will be read and reviewed straight away. They aren't here in time for this week's read, but you can see what I'm reading from the reviews.

Books I'm planning to read this week:
This week I'm catching up on books I've had for a while, but couldn't review until closer to publication date. Life then got busy :)

Young Adult

Children's Fiction
(Looks a gripping read...)

Young Adult
(Excellent books about knife crime and witness protection...)

Young Adult
(Angels at war against each other....)

Young Adult
(It's paranormal week!)

Children's Steampunk
(I've read and reviewed Leviathan which ended on a real cliff hanger!)


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