Thursday 25 November 2010

Review The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting & News

Check out my review of Kimberly Derting's THE BODY FINDER over on Cem's Book Hideout. I'll be reviewing on Cem's blog every Wednesday (as well as having a different review here, so don't worry!).

Also check out my writing blog, Nayu's Reading Corner for more information about me and relativity, on It's All Relative (info put there rather than here because here is more for reviews and book news, but it's still relevant)

I'll start off a new competition at the beginning of December, and I may announce my plans for the month of January (reviews...but it's a special project).

1 comment:

  1. I'll be sure to check out your review!

    Be sure to enter my international blogoversary giveaway going on now :)


If you like the look of books reviewed, have read them, or have anything else to say, please leave a comment! Any comments with links in them that aren't for book/anime/film blogs will be removed.