Monday 25 October 2010

What are you reading? #41

What are you reading on Monday? is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Home Girl's Book Blog where you post books completed last week and plans for upcoming books. Jump over to her blog and see who else is participating.

Books I've read this week:


Urban Fantasy
(Last book in the series, excellent and I want to read the rest. Shapeshifters are in!)

Children's Fiction
(Sweet story with so much passion for skating.)

Urban Fantasy
(New slant on vampire stories...)

Children's Fiction
(The next book is on my TBR pile!)

Children's Fiction
(Leading a double life is hard!)

(More vampires!)

Young Adult
(Final in this trilogy!)

Children's Fiction
(Great illustrations - which come to life online! Haven't tried it yet though...)

Children's Fiction
(Charming tale of how much of an impact teachers make on their students.)

Books I hope to read this week

Young Adult
(A very friendly author I know on Twitter...)

(Part of a blog tour...)

(Part of a blog tour....)

(...humming Jaws theme tune...)

(Ancient history fan here!)

(The lowdown on life as a princess...)


Children's Non-fiction
(I've got an interview coming up with the illustrator - Martin Brown!)

(I think tissues will be needed...)


(Seeing how I love books with knights in them, I figured I'd better read about them too!)


The reason behind this week's reading list is my preparation for England's first National Non-fiction Day on 4th November!! I'll be reviewing non-fiction books all week long. Whatever you read this week, have a good one!

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