Monday, 16 August 2010

What are you reading? #31

What are you reading on Monday? is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Home Girl's Book Blog where you post books completed last week and plans for upcoming books. Jump over to her blog and see who else is participating.

Books I've read this week:
This week has involved lots of R&R time, which has been wonderful.

Young Adult: Paranormal
(Breaking Dawn's my favourite, had a misunderstanding by employing my usual habit of peeking at the end of either New Moon or Eclipse - thought Bella became both a werewolf and a vampire! Was pretty eager to see that but it didn't happen...)


(The first is a review...)


Books near the top of this week's TBR pile:

Young Adult:  Fantasy

Sci Fi/Fantasy

Graphic Novel

Young Adult:  Fantasy
(Chance to win a copy right here...ends August 19th)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you've read a lot :)
    I still haven't tried Michael Scott's series, but they're on my tbr list! Happy reading!


If you like the look of books reviewed, have read them, or have anything else to say, please leave a comment! Any comments with links in them that aren't for book/anime/film blogs will be removed.