Friday, 16 July 2010

EVENT CLOSED 100 Follower contest, Win a book! Ends 12pm GMT 31st July INTERNATIONAL

Wow, I've reached the 100 follower mark! This is a wonderful achievement. I was edging close to it over the past week, and now I've reached it I'm holding a competition!

Since this is a book blog, I'm offering 3 people the chance to win a book. 

The Prizes: winners will have the chance to choose one of the above books. 

To enter: Simply leave a comment about how you came across my blog. Please leave your email in the following format (to lower spam potential) nayu (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk. 

The rules: If you are under 18, please get the permission of a parent or guardian before you enter. This is to keep everyone safe. Wherever in the world you are, you can enter. This is an international competition - a lot of you aren't in England, it's only fair you have a chance to enter. 

The deadline: 12pm GMT Saturday 31st July. The winners will be chosen by a random number generator. I will email the winners, asking them which book they would like. In the case that a book is wanted by several winners, I will ask the winners to choose another book, I'll re-enter them into the random number generator, and whichever one comes up will get the book. 


  1. I'd love to enter! A great competition! :)

    I found your blog when you commented on my first ever blog post on Magic Bean Review! :D

    Email: magicbeanreview (at) gmail (dot) com

    Thanks <3

  2. i was actually browsing around and came across your blog and have been addicted to your blog ever since! :)

  3. Hello! I came across your blog thanks to Twitter. Am always looking for good book bloggers :o)


  4. Congrats and thanks for the contest.
    brandileigh2003 at yahoo dot com

    I don't remember how I found your blog honestly... Sorry!

  5. It has been quite awhile but I think I came across your blog because someone had linked to a giveaway you were having at the time.

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  6. It was most probably a competition link. I'm sorry, I don't usually remember these things, but now that I'm here I'll be around for a while. :)

    cc932005 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  7. I really dont remember. Im sure it was either a contest link or a twitter link and I just decided to stay. :)

    Congrats on the 100!!

    bachus76 at myself dot com

  8. I came across your blog from a link on another bloggers site but I can't remember which blog it was as I visit so many of them.

    I enjoy reading your reviews soI started Following.

    Thanks for opening the giveaway open to worldwide entries.

    I am sure the 200 followers mark won't be far away !

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  9. Thanks everyone for staying around! So far I'm at 103 followers :) Which is great!

    (Yes, when I reach 200 (which seems far off at the moment) I'll be holding another competition. I like to celebrate milestones).

  10. hehe. I 'found' your blog because you told me about it in our writing group :D It's awesome to see how far you've come with it!

    Yay for international contests! *bounces*

  11. Mmmm... I forgot how I got here... I think, it might be a link from the twitter feed...

    Re-posted your contest at:


    Cherry Mischievous
    mischivus101-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com

  12. Hi there! new follower!
    I'd like to enter please :) I came across your blog through twitter, I follow Book Reader Times who rettwetted this contest.

    Thanks for the contest, and for making it international-hello to everyone from Portugal!

    jen7waters (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. Well, I was searching for book blogs in english! I'm from Brazil and I love to read... But I like to improve my english.. So, It's so cool to read blogs and books in english! =D
    Thanks for a international contest! =D.. And for those amazing books! =D

    srbojunior (at) bol (dot) com (dot) br

  14. Congrats on the followers! I came across your blog through twitter.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Please enter me, too :)


  16. I found your blog through another blog that posts contests and giveaways from other blogs.


  17. I was truly clicking around for a good blog to read and oddly enough I found yours. Am hooked now and forever :)
    Please count me in!


  18. I think it was after someone posted a list of UK book bloggers. After a meet-up? Recently? Or maybe via twitter? I don't really keep track of those sort of things, sorry! but YAY for so many followers :)

  19. A friend showed me where to find you.


  20. I was recommended by a friend


  21. Amy - yes :) Those seeking world domination tend to flock together.

    Cherry - thanks for the re post!

    jen7waters - Hi! Nice to see a follower from Twitter!

    Salatiel Junior - welcome! It's great that you love to read in English :) I like reading in other languages, it helps improve the understanding of the language, and is great for reinforcing vocabulary and grammar.

    angei - thank you :) Great to see you.

    Alessenadra - hi!

    Europhira 13 - blogs are good for spreading the word.

    God's gal - Welcome :)

    Clover - It possibly was the list of UK book bloggers (that post is ringing a bell with me)

    wildchild & emily13 - friends are brilliant ;)

  22. Through a contest link. I usually find interesting blogs either through those or twitter.


  23. I am a new follower & found u via got books event blog list
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  24. I found you through the Got Books? event.

    cwilliams127 at gmail dot cmo

  25. I think I got here via a giveaway link.[@]gmail[.]com

  26. Would love a chance to win. You are doing well with followers. Congrats.

    dorcontest at gmail dot com

  27. I got here through the Got Books? event :P
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    entrelibros_blog (at) hotmail (dot) com

  28. I discovered this blog through Got Books? Event! :3
    Thanks for the giveaways!They're all awesome!

    royce_a13 @

  29. I found you at the got books event!


  30. Thanks for the giveaway! I found your blog through the Got Books event, too.


  31. because of someone else's blog about the Got Books Event, can't rememeber who's though!


If you like the look of books reviewed, have read them, or have anything else to say, please leave a comment! Any comments with links in them that aren't for book/anime/film blogs will be removed.