Monday 7 December 2009

What are you Reading? #1

What are you reading on Monday? is a weekly meme hosted by J. Kaye at J. Kaye's Book blog where you post books completed last week and plans for upcoming books. Jump over to her blog and see who else is participating.

I came across this while reading Book Dragon Lair's blog.

Finished this week (due to life stuff, this is less than I normally read in a week)
  • My Love Lies Bleeding by Alyxandra Harvey(ARC)
  • The Magic Under Glass by Jaclyn Dolamore (ARC)
Still reading/Started
  • Threshold by Sarah Douglas (should finish tonight)
  • Yotsubato by Kiyohiko Azuma (Japanese version will take a while to read, on chapter 1. Or maybe 2. )
  • Magical X Miracle by Yuzu Mizutani and Keitaro Arima (manga, English version and I read it every now and then. On chapter 6 (I think...))
Planning to start/read
  • Twlight by Stephanie Meyer
  • The Warrior's Path: Sisters of the Sword by Maya Snow
  • Blade's Edge: Sisters of the Sword by Maya Snow
Library books available
  • None. I currently don't visit the library thanks to lovely ARC's :)
Reviews needed to complete:
  • Sixty-One Nails by Mike Shevdo
  • Vermonia 2: Call of the Winged Panther by Yoyo
  • Under the Glass by Jaclyn Dolamore
  • My Love Lies Bleeding by Alyxandra Harvey

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