Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Mini Review #7 Heart of Stone by C E Murphy

November 2007, Luna Books
438 pages, Paperback
Personal Copy

Fantasy (urban)

Cushions: 5
Daggers: 3
Paperclips: 2
Smiles: 4
Tissues: 3
Yunaleska's recommended rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

Summary from C E Murphy's website

New York City defense lawyer Margrit Knight has finally met the perfect man...only he's a gargoyle, and wanted for murder. Caught in the strange world of the Old Races, Margrit finds herself in a race against the sunrise to clear Alban's name and keep them both alive....

I haven't heard of a gargoyle as being the main focus of a book in fantasy, and it's an idea which works brilliantly. Until she meets the gargoyle, Margrit's life is extremely normal - well as normal as a lawyer's life can be. I enjoyed watching the revelation surrounding who Alban (the gargoyle) really was. All the features of a gargoyle were pretty neat - he doesn't just turn to stone. Like other beings, he has powers. Oh the others in the Old Races include selkies, Siryns, dragons, djinn, and vampires. Margrit encounters them all - not always knowing who they really are, which leaves Alban with a lot to say. There are some people you don't voluntarily meet in Margrit's world, let alone strike bargains with them. That just shows the strength of character (and wit) Margrit possesses. There are two more books in the series! I'll get them when I can.

Check out C E Murphy on her website - look, more lovely books!

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