Thursday 19 November 2009

Winners of Competition 2 and 3

Apologies for not sorting this out yesterday - was busy fighting monsters (my type of R&R).

Anyway, the winner of Competition 2 is....


My random way of picking this week was 'eeeny meeeny miny mo'. A very sophisticated method of random selection. (Me? Laughing? No. Come on how else was I going to pick a winner from 3? I don't have a friend on hand to pick a number).

Jo those 3 Kate Elliott books will be winging their way to you...soon.

Winner of the two books by B R Collins in Competition 3 is....

Raelena! (throuthehaze)

I will be in touch with you shortly :)

Competition 4 to win Merlin books is still going. New competitions will be posted in the next week or two.

Anyone still waiting for a prize - well most of you live in America and sea mail takes time :)


  1. Oh that's so awesome! Thank you Jessica! Do you need me to send you my home address again, or is that all cool?

    Only three entries? That sucks! We need to get more traffic to your blog! Hopefully that'll happen when your interview is ready for my blog :) Cheers again!

  2. Congrats, guys!! :) Traffic will come--this blog is made of awesome.

  3. Awww thank you Jo and Rebecca!

    Yup Jo will send to your home address. When my transport is fully sorted....

    Rebecca you're really lovely! If anyone has ideas how to get more traffic to my blog (and any changes that I can make) please do let me know.

    (Although that was never my primary aim)

  4. I get that, but our reviewing books for people, and so the people need to know about your blog! I have a few ideas. You could try signing up to the:
    YA Book Blog Directory & the
    YA Blogosphere.

    Also, taking part in a few memes may bring more traffic to your blog. A good one, where a lot of people are involved, is In My Mailbox hosted by The Story Siren. Hope these help :)

  5. Hi! I never heard from you and I am not sure who to email so here is mine again:
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com



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