Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Protection Policy

Jo of Ink and Paper brought up the issue of private protection.

For this reason, at the top of the competition links is a note explaining you must be over 18 to enter the competitions. This is to protect myself. Thankfully I know so far all of my winners are over 18.

Being over 18 you understand the small risk that I will send you zombie hoards through the post. That a few of my books might have content you wouldn't want a child to read (although this is stated in my reviews of all books reviewed).

The minimum information I ask for is screen name and email address. Having your real name and postal address just speeds up sending prizes out. All information will be delete once the competition has closed and the winner has been selected. If you have any questions about competitions, please email me

nayu at hotmail dot co dot uk


  1. Are you trying to say I look old in my profile pic ;)? Just kidding!

    Good call on your part. Also, please no computer-transmitted zombies. EEK!

  2. Heehee! It's something I never thought of, but see the sense in it.


If you like the look of books reviewed, have read them, or have anything else to say, please leave a comment! Any comments with links in them that aren't for book/anime/film blogs will be removed.