Sunday, 27 September 2009

Devouring books

For the good of the world, I am devouring books. Well, it's the end of my week long holiday so what better way to commence my return to book reviewing by reading books!

Over the next week you can expect a review of a fantasy debut novel involving lots of explosions and ghosts, a sweet winter's tale and a review of Terry Brooks' latest novel in the Landover series.

I have never read Terry Brooks. Shocking, I know. 2 chapters in, and I understand why he's so popular.

I have an egg boiling on the stove (literally) and a book calling my name (figuratively). Enjoy your Sunday.


  1. It'll be great to have you back! And welcome to the world of Terry Brooks - he is a great author :) I haven't read all his books yet, and this reminds me that I need to read more of them! Oh reading list is mile long :P

  2. I've missed not putting reviews up. And not reading - life was a bit manic too :)

    My word! Finished TB's book and I simply adore it. I must at some point read the other books. And own them. Anyone with free copies I'm willing to do swaps. Or free donations. (Yes I realise I sound desperate. But the fewer books I have from the library, the smaller the fine is when I realise they are overdue).


If you like the look of books reviewed, have read them, or have anything else to say, please leave a comment! Any comments with links in them that aren't for book/anime/film blogs will be removed.