Sunday 30 August 2009

Girls FC: Do Goalkeepers Wear Tiaras? by Helena Pilichaty

2009, Walker Books
112 pages
Review Copy

Children's, girls, 7+

Cushions: 1/5
Smiles: 4/5
Yunaleska's recommended rating ♥♥♥♥

Why would I, a person who has almost zero interest in sport and believes kicking a ball around a field is a waste of time (ignoring the value of team spirit and exercise for this point) choose to review a football story? Because if it can engage me on a subject I have no interest in, and know little about other than the aim is to get the ball into the goal net, then it's a good book.

And it is.

Do Goalkeepers Wear Tiaras? documents the start of the Parsnips girls' football team, how it came about through a random meeting (and the persistent Megan). It's more than though. Megan develops as a character as the story progresses, she learns to overcome her nerves (which are severe), she's spunky and refuses to give up her goal (no pun intended, honest) of playing for England. Why is the team called Parsnips? When does Megan wear a tiara? How does a thief get to be on the team?

What struck me was the attitude of the Parsnips' girls. Even when life throws a foul ball (bad pun intended) they look at the incident in question (what, you think I'd tell you the entire story here? I'm a reviewer! Not the author) with more maturity than a lot of adults would.

I think this is a great book for football crazy girls, providing role models that they can aspire to and it shows the lesson that every cloud has a silver lining.

I liked the notes regarding The Team at the front of the book. Sadly I don't have a clue about the positions in football, so didn't quite understand that. The interview with Megan was also a nice touch - it portrays her as a very normal girl, which again is a positive feature for female footballers. I'm sure there are some who may still be bullied because they want to play what used to be a male-dominated sport. Never give up on your dreams because someone says they are ridiculous - go chase them!

Helena Pielichaty's website is here.

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