Saturday, 11 July 2009

Saturday vacation post

Not the expected post about Handlers and Protectors, but then this hasn't been a normal weekend. I've been used as a spring board, a scratch post, a being to streak past and nearly bash into a door. Yes, I am cat sitting. Previous clients have been sedate, older cats. Kittens are another matter. I was beside myself last night when they went missing. I hunted everywhere. They are shut out of most rooms because they're still at that really small stage where they are less likely to figure out how to climb out of a drawer than their older counterparts. I couldn't find them. I thought they'd got out the house sometime. How could I explain to their owners (including two children) that I'd lost their new family members?

Then, out from nowhere, two white furballs hurled towards the food bowl. I cried. Picked them up, hugged them, told them off, then let them down.

What has this to do with books? Well, there are little claw puncture holes in the bag holding my books. The books are unscathed. Last night my nerves weren't. Brain has managed to engage for a book review, but is hitting the sluggish point of the day. Next week I'll spring the three scenarios on the two types of book keepers. In light of this weekend, one of those may change.

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