Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Sword of God, by Chris Kuzneski

2007, Penguin
422 pages

This was one of those books. You know. The one which you can't put down because every chapter has you wanting more. Got to love thrillers.

Nayu's thriller checklist:

Female protag - check. Two of them. Shari's a civilian, archaeologist, not quite on the right side of the Saudia Arabian law but she keeps her head underground. Literally. The other one, Kia, is a military interpreter. Both get put in danger a lot, and witness horrific scenes.

Military involvement: the good guys (and girl).

Weapons: happy sigh. Good range of arsenal (guns, C4, the usual).

Life or death scenario: it's not every day warped individual want to unite the Islamic community by blowing up the most revered site, Mecca, and blaming the Americans. (For the record I'm against violence, and like all people, of all religions).

This made a pleasant change from the other thriller's I've read (based on Christian or extra-terrestrial artefacts). Not that I didn't enjoy the others - I did, tremendously. Just nice to have something a little different. There's the usual friendly banter between members of the military team, a little bit of romance (not much smush, I promise). There is detailed gore and violence, so probably not for the faint hearted.

Why are you still here? That timer on world destruction is ticking - go read!

Daggers: 3
TGB: 2 (again...I read quite a few books before this one so I'm a little hazy on details)
Tissues: 1
Paperclips: 0.5.

Overall rating 5, and I want this book!

Chris Kuzneski can be found here


  1. What did you like best about it?

  2. I didn't specify that, did I? I loved Kia's emotional strength, and her gentleness with the little boy who discovered the horrific crime.


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